The rain has finally let up for a day so that I could go out and tend to and see what was blooming. I think if the rains would stop for a while and we could get more sun, there would be a lot more blooms...but I will take what I get.
I told you it has been raining...there are mushrooms growing in my hostas!! Not really...

An Eastern Tiger Swallowtail came for supper on my lilacs ~

Whenever planting up pots, I usually buy some fillers/spillers. Variegated Vinca Vine is one of the 'regulars' around here, and one year, I thought why not put one in the ground instead of letting it die over the Winter. It is supposed to be an annual here in zone 5 - but I can hardly control the one that I put in the ground about 3 years goes crazy every year. When I would use them in container gardening, they never had flowers on them, yet since I planted it in the ground, it gets blue flowers. Interesting ~

Yellow Columbine ~

Iris, bought from Girl Scouts for a fund raiser years ago ~

Trumpet Honeysuckle Vine ~

Valerian Jupiter's Beard ~

It's time to batten down the hatches again for another couple of days of rain. We have had almost as much moisture in May as we have had in January through April. Although I like not having to water, I love to plant and dig too. One day a week of rain sounds much more better than one or two days of sun a week. I guess I shouldn't complain - my heart goes out to those that are suffering through the tornadoes and floods. It could easily be happening in SE Nebraska too.